CloudFlare免费CDN加速使用方法 - 知乎:2021-10-5 · 前言cloudflare 是一家国外的 CDN 加速服务商,还是很有名气的。提供免费和付费的加速和网站保护服务。百度云加速的国外节点就是和 cloudflare 合作使用的 cloudflare 的节点。 cloudflare 提供了不同类型的套餐,…
CIRC’s core mission is to accelerate research, discovery and collaboration through the creation, integration and operation of user-centric cyberinfrastructure that benefits scientific communities. This includes science gateways, which are designed to help entire communities of researchers use high-performance computing resources and advanced cyberinfrastructures to pursue common scientific goals. CIRC has developed science gateways under the NSF-funded Science Gateways Platform as a service (SciGaP) project. The CIRC team participates in the Science Gateways Community Institute and the XSEDE Science Gateways program, both NSF-funded projects that work with scientific collaborators to develop gateways for their communities, which CIRC bases on its SciGaP platform.
Science gateways are only a part of the research cyberinfrastructure stack. Campus bridging is another key element. This includes the bridging of campuses to larger-scale research ecosystems like XSEDE, and it also includes bridging within campuses, between centrally managed research computing facilities and the scientists, engineers, and scholars who need to use them. CIRC participates in XSEDE’s Cyberinfrastructure Resource Integration group, which helps campus research computing providers set up new computing resources, integrate them into the national ecosystem, and understand how to reach research and scholarly communities on their campuses.
CIRC is also concerned with what happens to the results of computational science and data analysis after a science gateway or campus computing resources are used. CIRC, in collaboration with the Pervasive Technology Institute’s 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版, is working with the Research Data Alliance to develop digital object architecture implementations that help make scientific data easier to find and more accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).
海外游加速器_海外永久免费软件加速器_神龟加速器官网:2021-2-26 · 海外加速器 - 非凡软件站 2021年2月26日 - 关键字是海外加速器 ,共有相关软件1个,查看更多相关内容 [网游加速] 迅游国际版加速器 v4.4810.18500 更新时间:2021-02-26缩略